Au Pays du Roquefort : Cyclo
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This loop is to the « Brebis'Cyclette » bike ride what a strong Roquefort is to a milder Roquefort. The ascent to the causse of Saint-Affrique and the Aiguières pass are the two challenges of this route marked out by attractive sites: the dolmen de Tiergues, the ripening caves, the Tournemire amphitheatre, the Saint-Jean d'Alcas fort, before a gentle ending through the Sorgues valley.

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In the land of Roquefort

An immersion in the heart of the milk catchment area dedicated to the producing of the king of cheese: a landscape with plateaus, majestic amphitheatres and residual mounds that holds some beautiful bumps and splendid sceneries.

Reception in 1 language(s)

  • Francais

GPS coordinates

Latitude 43.9587 - Longitude 2.887129167

Contact us

Au Pays du Roquefort : Cyclo

12400 St-Affrique