N°13 - VTT Plaisir de ralentir
N°13 - VTT Plaisir de ralentir
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There's nothing like a former railway line to get young mountain bikers on track! The Saint-Affricain greenway, created on the site of a former railway line, is a section of the national 85 cycle route. It is ideal for beginners and families alike, offering a gentle nature trail punctuated by the murmur of the Galatrave stream.

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No.13 : The pleasure of slowing down

All the lights are on for budding mountain bikers with this route, which is accessible to all and takes you through shady countryside, a healthy walk in the heart of the Saint-African foreland.

Reception in 1 language(s)

  • Francais

GPS coordinates

Latitude 43.9509 - Longitude 2.8939

Contact us

N°13 - VTT Plaisir de ralentir départ station VTT, rue du 12 étoiles

12400 St-Affrique